Why does the PB5000 provide less than a 5000mAh charge to my devices?
Energy stored in the most popular external batteries is 3.7V. To match the input voltage required by most mobile devices (4.89V), the PB5000 converts its stored energy to that of the connected device. An estimated 30% power loss from this conversion is common for the best & most popular external batteries in the market.
Why is there a red "X" over the battery symbol of my device when being charged by the PB5000?
Please use the charging cable included with your mobile device. If you see a red "X" when using this cable, make sure the cable is working properly. If it is, use the cable included with the PB5000 to charge.
Why are the LED indicators not 100% accurate in relaying the remaining energy stored in the PB5000?
The LED's may need to be recalibrated if the PB5000 was not fully recharged. In order to recalibrate the LED's, connect the PB5000 to a USB charging device until all 4 LED indicators are solidly lit.
Why does the PB5000 not charge my iPad as fast as the charger included by Apple?
The PB5000 has a max output of 2A while the newest, full sized iPads have a max input of 2.4A. The PB5000 will still charge these iPads, just a slightly slower pace.